Configuring HTML mode

There are several functions in HTML mode for maintaining one or more www sites. To be able to use these functions in the best way you have to tell Alpha which folder contains the files of a www site. To do this use 'Home pages' in the menu HTML Utilities. The idea is that each of those folders, together with their subfolders, should contain all your html files at a server and be a mirror of your home page at the corresponding server.

In the dialog window shown above you have the following:

Server URLs: a menu with the current home pages for which you have a folder.

Home Page Folder: The folder corresponding to the home page selected in the menu.

Include Folder: The include folder corresponding to the home page selected in the menu.

Default file: The default file corresponding to the home page selected in the menu.

Tip: Use the up and down arrows to navigate in the menu.

New: To define a new home page folder. You are presented with a second dialog as shown below.

Change: To change the home page selected in the menu.

Remove: To remove the home page selected in the menu.

Tell Big Brother: If you check this check box, the URL mappings will be changed in Big Brother's settings, when you click OK. Big Brother is told which home page folders map to which URLs. Big Brother is a shareware program for checking links by François Pottier, You can get Big Brother from his home page.

In the second dialog which appears when you click 'new' or 'change' you should specify:

Home Page Folder: The folder corresponding to the home page.

Include Folder: A folder where you can put your files to be dynamically included. This folder is mapped to the same URL as the home page folder. To define an include folder is optional. Read more about dynamically included files here.

Server URL: The URL to your home page, for example

Default file: The file which is used if a link points to a directory. This name depends on the configuration of your server, but is usually index.html.